All you would like to know about Weight Management…..
1. What is Obesity?
Obesity is defined as an excess of adipose tissue that imparts health risk; a body weight of 20% excess over ideal weight for age, sex and height. It is an abnormal growth of the adipose tissue due to an enlargement of fat cell size (hypertrophic obesity) or an increase in fat cell numbers (hyper plastic obesity) or a combination of both. Obesity is a consequence of an energy balance where energy intake has exceeded energy expenditure over a considerable period.
2. What causes Obesity?
Genetic factors:-
- It influences 50-70% chances.
- Chances of being overweight are greater if one or both of the parents are overweight.
- So, a child with overweight parents who eat high- calorie foods & are inactive will likely become overweight like the parents.
Eating habits:-
- Eating habits of certain people may lead to obesity
- Nibbling between meals is common among housewives.
- Some may eat faster taking less time for chewing – tend to consume more food
- Some people eat when it is mealtime or when they are surrounded by tasty foods instead when they are hungry.
- Business executives who frequently attend business lunches have more chance of becoming obese.
- Some may eat more food when they are unhappy as a compensation mechanism
Age and Gender :
- It can occur at any age in either gender.
- Infants with excessive weight gain have an increased incidence of obesity in later life.
Physical inactivity :
- Many people spend hours in front of TV’s and computers doing work, schoolwork & leisure activities.
- Relying on cars instead of walking to places
- Lack of physical education classes in schools for children.
Trauma :-
- Obesity may follow due to damage to hypothalamus after head injury because it is not able to regulate appetite.
Endocrine factors :-
- Obesity is common at puberty, pregnancy and menopause.
Hypothyroidism   :-
- Thyroid hormones
- Metabolism
- Weight gain, tiredness, weakness.
Cushing’s Syndrome :-
- Adrenal glands secretes
- More cortisol hormone
- Weight gain, upper body obesity
- Fat around the neck, thin arms &legs.
Poly cystic ovarian Syndrome :-
- High levels of androgens
- Multiple cysts on ovaries
- Weight Gain
- Excess hair growth & Reproductive problems
Medicines :-
- Such as corticosteroids (Prednisolone)
- Antidepressants (Elavil)
- Medicines for seizures (Neurontin)
- Slow the rate at which the body burns calories
- Increases appetite
- Cause the body to hold on to extra, water.
- Weight gain.
Smoking :-
- Some people gain weight when they stop smoking because
- Food often tastes and smells better
- Nicotine raises the rate at which the body burns calories.
Lack of Sleep:-
- People who don’t get enough sleep on a regular basis seen to have.
- High levels of a hormone called Ghrelin (which causes hunger).
- Low levels of a hormone called leptin (which normally helps to curb hunger).
3. How do we assess Obesity?
The most widely used criteria are:-
I. Body weight :- An adult weighing 10% more than the standard weight is overweight and 20% more is obese.
% Body weight excess of normal | Degree of obesity |
25% | Mild |
50% | Moderate |
75% | Severe |
100% | Very severe. |
II.   Body Mass Index / Quetlet index
Weight in kgs
BMI = Â ————————
(Height in meter)2
Grading of obesity can be done based on BMI
Not obese | <25 |
Grade I | Â 25-29.9 |
Grade II | 30-40 |
Grade III | >40 |
III. Measurement of body fat:
Skin fold calipers method has been advised.
4. Does Obesity lead to complications?
Yes. Look at the table below.
CARDIOLOGY | Ischemic heart disease, Angina & Myocardial infarction, Congestive heart failure, High blood pressure, Abnormal Cholesterol levels, Deep Vein Thrombosis, Pulmonary embolism. |
ENDOCRINOLOGY & REPRODUCTIVE SYTEM | Diabetes mellitus, Poly cystic ovarian Syndrome, Menstrual disorders, Infertility, Complications during pregnancy, Birth defects, Intrauterine fetal death. |
Stroke, Migraines, |
DERMATOLOGY | Stretch marks, Acanthosis Nigricans, Cellulitis, Lymphedema |
GASTRO INTESTINAL | Gastro oesophageal reflux, Fatty liver disease, Cholelithiasis (gall stones) |
ONCOLOGY | Breast, ovarian Oesophageal Liver, Pancreatic Gall bladder Endometrial, Stomach Cervical Prostate Kidney Non- Hodgkin’s lymphoma Multiple myeloma. |
RESPIRATORY | Obstructive sleep apnoea Obesity hypoventilation syndrome Asthma Increased complications during general anaesthesia. |
PSYCHIATRY | Depression Social Stigmatization |
RHEUMATOLOGY & ORTHOPAEDICS | Gouty arthritis Poor mobility Osteoarthritis Low back pain. |
UROLOGY & NEPHROLOGY | Erectile dysfunction Urinary incontinence Chronic renal failure Hypogonadism |
5. Is Obesity Treatable? Â
Obesity is a chronic medical condition. Treatment goals should be guided by the
health risks of obesity in any given individual.
- Reducing diet – The person should be put on negative energy balance, ideally 500-1000 calories less than their normal diet.
- Weight Maintenance Diets – Provide 1500-1800 when the body weights are reduced to optimal levelon reducing diets.
- Principles of Dietetic Management –
- Low calorie
- Normal protein, Vitamin & Mineral (except Sodium)
- Restricted Carbohydrate
- Restricted fat
- Liberal fluid
- High fibre diet
- Energy – About 20 Kcal per kg ideal body weight is prescribed for tissue repair & for specific dynamic action.
- Carbohydrates – High carbohydrate content foods like potatoes, rice, sugar, banana should be avoided.
- Fat – Nuts & Oil seeds avoided. Skim milk should be the choice.
- Minerals – Restriction of Sodium, as excess sodium predisposes to retention of fluid.
- Fluid – Fluids can be taken liberally as extra fluids are exerted by healthy kidneys.
Also a glass at water before meals helps to cut down food intake.
- High fibre – High fibre low calorie foods like green leafy vegetables, fruits, vegetable salads, whole grain cereals & pulses can be included in the diet.:
It has many advantages :
- Low in calorie density
- Greens provide many vitamins & Minerals (which are difficult to meet with restricted food)
- Help in regulating bowel movements
- Reduce blood cholesterol
- Promote chewing & decrease rate of ingestion
- Higher intake of fibre automatically cut down fat and calories.
Low-calorie diet therapy for obesity
% Carbohydrate |
%Â Fat |
% Protein |
Normal |
50 |
30 |
15 |
Moderate fat (weight watchers) |
60 |
25 |
15 |
Low Carbohydrate (Eg, Atkins) |
10 |
60 |
30 |
High Protein |
43 |
30 |
27 |
Low fat (Eg. Ornish) |
70 |
13 |
17 |
Drugs which lower body weight
Not recommended due to toxicity |
Amphetamines Fenfluramine |
Weight loss temporary effect |
 Fluoxetine Metformin |
Currently recommended |
Orlistat Sibutramine |
In advanced development |
 Rimonabant |
- Maximize the physical activity – Isometric and Isotonic
- Walking rather than driving to work.
- Alternative exercise
Ex. Swimming may be necessary if musculoskeletal complications prevent
- Liposuction for body contouring.
- Bariatric Surgery to reduce the size of the stomach is by the most effective long-term treatment for obesity.
- Apronectomy is advocated to remove an overhang of abdominal skin.
But did you know that Ayurveda offers a sure remedy to Obesity?
 Atisthoola is one among the Asta nindita purusha
An excessive increase of fat and muscle tissue, the buttock, abdomen and breast become pendulous and his strength is rendered disproportionate with his physical growth.
Ayurvedic Aetiology – Over intake of Heavy, Sweet, Cold and Unctuous food, lack of exercises and genetic factors.
Ayurveda advocates healthy principles of eating. It says, one should eat in proper
quantity.The quantity of food to be taken again depends upon the power of
digestion including metabolism.
The amount of food which, without disturbing the equilibrium of dhatus and
doshas of the body gets digested as well as metabolized in proper time, is to be regarded as the proper quantity.
Indicated foods
One should regularly take Shashtika shali, Mudga, Saindhava, Amalaka, Yava,
Antariksha jala, Sarpi, Jaangala pashu pakshi mamsa, Madhu.
Contra-indicated foods
Dried meat, Dried Vegetables, Lotus rhizomes, stalk, Meat of a diseased animal,
Kurcika (boiled buttermilk), Kilata (inspissiated milk), Pork, Beef, Meat of buffalo,
Fish, Curd, Masa, Yavaka.
Panchkarma Purificatory therapies & Udvartana Sweda
We advise UDVARTANA, a stimulating massage using special herbal powder to reduce cellulite accumulations, improve circulation and enhance your skin’s texture and appearance. We thoroughly exfoliate your body using a powerful mixture of Ayurvedic powders which will break up fatty deposits and energize blood circulation. A delightful body treatment to remove excess heat from your body, enhancing circulation and drawing fresh energy to the surface of the skin. This remarkable treatment consists of natural nourishing ingredients such as Almond Oil, Chickpea Flour, Turmeric Powder and Fenugreek Powder, horse gram flour, millet flour and some aromatic herbs. Almond Oil, containing proteins and minerals, is excellent for relaxing muscles and ligaments while lubricating the skin. Turmeric Powder strengthens the skin, relieves kapha (mucus) and vata (wind) and works great as an antiseptic. While you indulge yourself in deep relaxation, the Ubtan Massage will remove excess heat from your body, enhancing circulation and drawing fresh energy to the surface of the skin. This is a wonderful treatment for those seeking to achieve a perfectly smooth, blemish-free, gleaming body.